Lots of outdoor time every day, and indoors in the evening and at night! Puppies are becoming more agile, learning to go up and down the 3 steps on the back deck. We put the crates in their indoor pen and outdoor yard, as well as the outdoor igloo, and put kibble in them to entice the puppies to sniff and forage for it, incentivizes them to be in the crates/igloo. We put the wobble disk out and some puppies climbed on it immediately, some observed and took their time to approach. We are doing daily 'manding' sessions, where we capitalize on the puppies' natural way of 'asking' for what they want (they sit and look at you--it's very subtle, until you have all puppies doing it at once, then it looks like magic!) and rewarding them for it with kibble or cream cheese treat. Today we did a brief 'resource guarding prevention' session- we give the puppy a raw beef bone (super tasty!!) and then gently take it away and give them another tasty treat to reward them for giving it up, then give the bone back. This helps the puppy realize that when I take away their "prize", it's not always a bad thing and they do not get possessive and defensively guard the prize. Puppies are six weeks and receive both 6week deworming and a coccidiosis preventative.
November 2024
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